Tuesday, October 6, 2009


September 24, 2009

I couldn't sleep tonight. I've had a friend of mine on my mind a lot lately. At 2:00 am I decided to get on facebook to see what's been going on in her life. It's been about a year since I last saw her. So I looked at her "status", and it said widow. How could this be??? She's a young 20-something woman who just recently married??? My heart just sank. Then it got me thinking... what would I do if I lost Rick? I just broke down in tears. I can handle what God has given me right now. How can I be upset for him taking back what belonged to him anyway. Isn't it better to have God take this baby then for it to have a life of suffering?? Lord, I thank you for your blessings; for all you have given to us, for all you have kept from us, and for the things you take away. I praise you!!

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